Monday, May 24, 2010

Pokemon, F%#$ Yeah!

I don;t know what the rules are for language on Blogger, so instead I'm just going to blurt out the F word.

I was walking today and signing this iconic song from Team America, when it suddenly struck me that it would be even funnier if you replaced America with pokemon, and then added the names of various pokemon to the end. Here is how the lyrics should read:

Pokemon, F%#$ YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother f&#^ing day yeah,
Pokemon, F&*@ YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorists your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
Pokemon, F^@# YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
Pokemon, F&#^ YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now,
It's the dream that we all share; It's the hope for tomorrow

F*@^ YEAH!

Pikachu, F&@# YEAH!
Squirtle, F(@& YEAH!
Charizard, F*@^ YEAH!
Bulbasaur, F!#( YEAH!
Ratatta, F*#^ YEAH!
Goldeen, F&#^ YEAH!
Butterfree, F(@^ YEAH!
Vulpix, F*@^ YEAH!

F&@% YEAH!

Geodude, F&#^ YEAH!
Starmie, F*@^ YEAH!
Porygon, F&@$ YEAH!
Lapras, F*@# YEAH!
Snorlax, F%@$ YEAH!
Doduo, F)@& YEAH!
Zubat, F&@^ YEAH!
Magnamite, F&@^ YEAH!
Sandlash, F(@& YEAH!
Magikarp, F&@# Yeah?

Zapdos, F*@& YEAH!
Articuno, F*#& YEAH!
Moltres, F&#% YEAH!
Mewtwo, F&^% YEAH!
Primeape, F*#& YEAH!
Beedrill, F)!@ YEAH!
Arbok, F*#& YEAH!
Wheezing, F7$^ YEAH!
Oddish, F*#$ YEAH!
Jigglypuff, F*$^ Yeah?

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